Kirovsk - a reserved place on Kola peninsula, the most unusual, most original city in Murmansk area.
The city has settled down among abrupt slopes Hibin in valley Ympteka. Soft smooth scenery of mountains Hibinskih which by the right can be named the main sight of Kirovsk, frame it from three parties and give unique color.
On place Hibin the nature once intended to create a volcano. Breaking open and dissolving a granite environment, to a surface streams of the fused magma have rushed. However the volcano did not have not enough forces and it has stiffened above plain, having squeezed out from bowels huge height in diameter of 50 kilometers. Dark mountain кручи and gorges, the fast rivers and falls, huge plateaus instead of mountain tops - Hibins amaze with an originality of a landscape and majestic beauty.
Mountains Hibinskie, rocky and безлесные, are located to the north of 67-th parallel, behind Polar circle.
Kirovsk is one of leaders in Russia of the centers of mountain skiing. A unique environment allow to go for a drive since November and almost up to the end of May.
Seldom where in mountains it is possible to receive such pleasure from skiing, as in Hibins. The kilometer snow fields stamped by the most severe northern burans, enable to feel charm of mountain skis. Slide where you want. In this sense they do not have competitors in Russia and as the width of lines is unlimited, are not present on slopes of the bottlenecks menacing with a chaos. Extent канатных roads to slopes of mountain Ajkuajvenchorr makes almost eight kilometers, and length of ski lines about 20 km.